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绪论 虎鲸类型和种群(第7/8 页)

最新玄幻小说小说: 禁区热恋诸神遗谜:命运弈局这个反派圣子过分猖狂我以武道,击穿乱世穿越异界,我开局觉醒了万能商店你好,长生暗黑西游,众神消亡我无敌,但短命长生又不是不死,有事别真上天君临道恶灵启示录万道归一:道神龙游异世录仙途浩渺:凡尘逐梦归乡抗天九天卧龙吟偷听心声,师傅竟想和我双修胡扯,神树大人怎么可能是邪神?太古祖墟许仙后传

d 25,000 orcas are estimated around the Antarctic, and four types have been documented. Two dwarf species, named Orcinus nanus and Orcinus glacialis, were described during the 1980s by Soviet researchers, but most cetacean researchers are skeptical about their status, and linking these directly to the types described below is difficult.

Some examples of variations in orcas

Type A or Antarctic orcas look like a “typical“ orca, a large, black-and-white form with a medium-sized white eye patch, living in open water and feeding mostly on minke whales.

Type B1 or pack ice orcas are smaller than type A. It has a large white eye patch. Most of the dark parts of its body are medium grey instead of black, although it has a dark grey patch called a “dorsal cape“ stretching back from its forehead to just behind its dorsal fin. The white areas are stained slightly yellow. It feeds mostly on seals. Type B1 orca are abundant between Adelaide Isl





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